creative writing

Camp NaNo failure

I didn't hit my goal of 50k words (I think I hit about 31k) and so I am a failure. Or maybe not. There was a lot of plotting done, and some scene outlines and little details figured out that had been bothering me for ages. More still needs to be ironed out (and a… Continue reading Camp NaNo failure

creative writing

When life gets in the way

So I haven't posted anything in quite some time and that is, largely, because I suck. Yes, my life has been busy but I had stated in my first post that I would chronicle my journey from dabbler to writer and I've been neglecting that.Not to say that I haven't been writing, because I have.… Continue reading When life gets in the way

creative writing

On researching killy things

For this novel I'm writing (13026 words and counting as of thirty seconds ago), I need to know about the kinds of weaponry and armor that would be found in the sixteenth century. As a librarian, research is something that is second nature, although I don't always enjoy it. This, however, is fun.During library school… Continue reading On researching killy things

creative writing

Shushing the inner-perfectionist

Camp NaNoWriMo is four days in and I'm behind on my goal. Worst time for a migraine to show up, but that's life for you. Migraine is finally (mostly) gone and so I sat down this afternoon to pound out a scene or two. Luckily, the words are flowing freely and the characters are cooperating,… Continue reading Shushing the inner-perfectionist

creative writing

The hidden wonders of fanfiction writing

Most writers know what fanfiction is, and many have probably dabbled in it a time or two. Some don't consider it serious writing because it's using someone else's material (which I think is stupid, because honestly, what's original these days? You're always borrowing something from someone else, unknowingly or not) but I consider it to… Continue reading The hidden wonders of fanfiction writing